Thursday, June 4, 2009

Countdown: 4 days!

Yeah, exactly 4 days towards the final exams. Man, I'm still so dead and soooo LAZY to study, or probably I started my revision to early and I'm ahead of my plan? And I feel very very bored and damn dry looking at those Electrical Circuit Diagram.

What happen today? From morning went breakfast and noon have some plans. The plan was planned yesterday, a called from the University to met the Deputy of Pro-Vice Chancellor regarding a academic misconduct, need to met her at 2p.m today. So after breakfast went back to have revision a little while, still manage to sleep a little while then went to campus around 1.40p.m. Okay, what academic misconduct I committed? Basically just having 3 summons because of improper parking inside Campus. Actually Amelie is the one who get called cause the Uni Car Sticker is under her name, so to be a responsible person (which I am), I followed her to met the authorized. Nothing special la, the Deputy ~!@#$%^&*... just jokes with us and tell me not to repeat the same thing again or else I can be banned from taking exams. Had dinner in town just now. Now, I'm here writing this whole thing and actually I'm suppose to study but I'm just to lazy.

Some of my Internal mark is out and here is it:
Electrical System: 36/50 (I count myself, agak-agak, not guarantee one)
Engineering Mathematics: 36++/50 (This one lecturer told my friend and my friend told me)
Engineering Programming: 35.6/50 (This one I think 99% correct)
Evolution ~!@#$%^&* : 56/90 (Got another 10% is attendance, and I not sure, I always skip this class)
Design and Process: I don't know, Lecturer didn't say.

Wish me Luck for my final.

I think that's all for this post. Bye~

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