Last Tuesday, attended three class. Was so hectic. Morning went for Thermodynamic tutorial, I think I only understand 20% of what the lecturer taught. The noon, I'm at campus from 2pm till 6pm. Two continuous lectured! So tiring. The second lecture was so like useless, I can't absorb anything at all. Till now, still not able to understand what that Russian man talking.
Then the next day, Wednesday. Attended only one class early in the morning, 8am. Was okay to me. I remember the whole day was raining and it's really nice to sleep. I don't wanna let go that chance to pamper myself and make myself so lazy, so I slept most of the time on that day. Useless day! Wasted!
Thursday, actually three classes. I went only one class, not class actually, laboratory session. Dealing with metal, cutting those metal using high-tech machine. I did not attend the two earlier class cause the first class was cancel without any notice, I went to campus at 8am in the morning, and lecturer wasn't there, so I went back home with frustration. The reason why I'm frustrated is not cause the lecturer did not give earlier notice, it's cause I woke up early, the weather was so cool, and I bath without heater, when morning the alarm rang, I actually don't wanna go for that class, but I just force myself to go, shouldn't be that discipline that day, I should have continue sleeping. The second class, actually same unit but it's lecture. I think since the lecturer cancel the earlier tutorial, so same goes to the lecture. Another thing, only that day I knew I've got an assignment due today, which is Friday. Doing that thingy all night long.
Friday which is today, woke up early to attend Mechanical Design tutorial which is at 8am. I wanted to go for that class, so there's no delay on the bed in the morning, terus go shower when wake up. Then after class, compile the assignment with my group mate. I've check my Mechanical Design Test which I sat the week before free week, was quite satisfy, 17.5 over 20.
Oh ya, I cook again when I'm back here, on Tuesday. Steam fish, curry mutton and veg. No photo for the veg, only the fish and curry mutton. Curry mutton actually cooked my Amelie's aunty, we only heat it up here =). Here's the photo:

The curry mutton

The steam fish
I found a song, which I find it very meaningful. 100 years by five for fighting.
Allright, gtg now.
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