Hi again,
Sorry for the lack of post, and the sudden missing. Was so lazy and pretty busy with study since the last post. Life was tough during that missing period, how can I define tough, its cause I need to study and figuring out every single problem, for 4 damn unit. Well, things went well for all units and hopefully gonna get a good result again this time. Industrial technology was the unit I first sat for the final test, surprisingly easier than I expected. Then come the final exam, thermodynamic was so-so, I'm sure I've done a big mistake for one of the question, did not read the question until the last second. Engineering Management gave lotsa headache, especially ACCOUNTING stuff, using so damn lots of formula to count, memorizing heck lots of useless thing just for that 2 hours period, and finally was Mechanical Design, which was last night, would say that it was ok, ok here means confirm pass but not confirm high mark. Did all question although only required to do 3 questions out of 4 questions. Now, trying to pray hard to get a good result to enlighten my parents and of course make them proud of me! (Right, pa? Mi?)
Nothing much happen during my missing-period. Free week was like a short break for me as Mum, Dad and Grace came over, Dad came for some course, Mum and Grace for fun. As usual, when Dad's here, good food are served. Haha. During free week, spent most of my time in the hotel studying, much more comfortable place, with air-con and TV. It was hard to resist from watching TV, but still I manage to do so, cause I'm worry for my exam that time. Here's some random photo of the past recent weeks:
Process of transferring to Perth bother me a lot as it's quite troublesome. Now, just waiting Mum and Dad to pay my school fees, hell man, it's really a huge amount, I know I can't afford to fail any single unit at anytime. Thanks Mum and Dad for giving me that opportunity to go overseas, I'll study hard, I promise!
Started my packing, hell lots of thing to bring back again, and selling off those furniture. Hopefully all those stuff can fit into a Proton Saga. Gonna leave on this 21st morning, driving to KK first and then 24th back to Labuan. I miss Labuan so much man! Trying to find out which place I still need to visit since I don't know when I'll come back to Miri again, any recommended place people?
Submitted my resume to Baker two days ago, hopefully gonna have respond by next week, I wanna earn some money, to get a car later over in Perth. I can't remember when was the last time I step on the basketball court, I did not went for exercise for a long time, probably evening gonna go for a basketball session, hopefully weather gonna be good. I'm now looking for another shades, oakley radar, trying to get it from ebay as it's cheaper, or anyone knows where else I can get it at a cheaper price? Tell me if you do!
Recently, addicted to Michael Bolton songs, I know it sounds so old, but who cares, that's my taste, I never really like modern songs, I love classic and sentimental one. The songs I kept repeatedly hear are To Love Somebody, How Am I Supposed To Live Without You and When A Man Love a Woman. It feels so good and relax!
Allright, that's all for this post. Will get back here again tomorrow.
It feels so good now, exams are done, and I can do whatever I want.
Duke's Bagley to miss 4th game with knee sprain
7 years ago
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